
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The perfect bicycle bag...is there one?

Flamingo fully loaded
Blinker on helmet 
Topeak rack and bag
Riding a bicycle is an enjoyable experience. I get to feel the wind in my face, riding slowly and observing all the surroundings.  As simple as riding ... there are stuff we will carry... I am curious to understand what do we all bring on a day ride... My "weapon of choice" is usually the Flamingo. I will use the Topeak beam rack with a Topeak MTX trunk bag loaded with all this stuff listed below

1)Wallet, coins (buy food and drinks.. and stuff in bike shop)
2)Cellphone/ Iphone (always miss called as I cant access it quickly)
3)Sunblock (no ugly tan lines)
4) Mini Tool/patch kit/tyre levers (Just in case when I get a flat)
5) point and shoot Digital Camera  or  DSLR  (Captures the ride, places and people)
6) Small face towel (I sweat buckets...so it helps to make me dry)
7) Small snacks like Museli bar 
8) First Aid kit (When sh@#@ happens... this is really very useful)
9) Small note pad and pen (jot down good ideas, inspiration)
10) Tripod (very good for group shot) --- sometimes
11) Cable lock
12) copies of map of riding routes 

Mounted on bike
1) Hand Pump 
2) Water bottle
3) Front and rear Blinkers

Others stuff

Usually all the stuff goes inside my top peak pannier bag....and a friend remarked "u like machiam going on mission...so heavy..."   So, tell me what do u carry on a sunday ride?


  1. You need to get a phone mount then! Haha.
    Since you have a bag, you can consider setting up a snack bar and sell snacks!

    I try not to bring too many things since my bike is already so heavy but I think I need a bigger/extra bag to be mounted somewhere on my mtb!


  2. Hey Boo, that's an idea! Topeak also have rack for MTB which is pretty cool as u can slide in the bag. Do check with Clarence, he has the rack. Looking to ride with u this sunday!

  3. More weight to add to my blueboo? :P
    Need to upgrade my engine then can take more load.

    Can't do this Sunday so I'll catch you all on another Sunday :)


  4. Hi Taiwoon,

    I just came across your blog and started reading it!

    I just joined in the league of foldies!
    Looking to equip myself with bags and racks too.

    May I know where you purchase the topeak bag and rack? Roughly how much?

    ah minz

  5. @Ah minz,Sorry for the late reply. Thanks for coming by and hope to see u for sunday rides.I got my rack at Rodalink at Tradehub Jurong. It did not have side supports.... which I got from japan trip. The main beam rack is about 80 I think. Apparently Soon watt at Changi is the Toppeak agent..so it might be best to get from them directly.
