
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Surly Dummy, My Family Limo!

我家有一辆“长尾巴”脚踏车,它的车身大约有2米长,是普通脚踏车长度的1.5倍。为什么会出现“长尾巴” 脚踏车呢?90年代初期,有一个名叫罗斯·埃文斯(Ross Evans)的年轻人,美国斯坦福大学毕业后,跑到南美洲旅游开拓视野,当时,他就发现在最偏远的地区和村庄,人们都普遍使用脚踏车运送货物。他灵机一动,成立了Xtracycles公司并设计了一款脚踏车附件,它就像一截尾巴可以衔接在任何脚踏车的后面,这样一来,脚踏车的承载量就大大加强了。这脚踏车附件被称为“自由基” (Free Radical),寓意可以自由配搭成为“长尾巴”脚踏车。为了推广“长尾巴”脚踏车的概念与使用,罗斯还特意将附件的设计图公开,让任何有兴趣的人或公司可以免费参考仿造。http://www.xtracycle.com/
后来,有一间美国小众品牌脚踏车公司Surly决定大胆采纳罗斯的设计概念,并制造出世界第一辆真正的“长尾巴”脚踏车,还给它取了个怪趣的名字:Dummy (充气假人)。我就是在本地的脚踏车店TR Bike 相中了它。那一天,我刚好到脚踏车店淘宝,发现老板C私家载货的脚踏车体型非一般的庞大,一时技痒想试一试,四岁的女儿嚷着:我也要坐!我把小人儿轻放在“长尾巴”上然后父女两人就随意绕着兜风。女儿在我身后发出快乐的呼叫,我的背向着她却可以想象她稚嫩的小脸蛋儿笑得像一朵花,那一刻的感觉真奇妙!我决定拥有自己的幸福号。
我一向好享受骑脚踏车悠哉闲哉的感觉,遗憾的是老婆的脚踏车骑术差强人意,女儿则年幼体力不济,无法一家大小在周末同游。有了“长尾巴”脚踏车, 我就可以载着她们到住家附近的榜鵝公园骑道溜达, 共享一小段美好的家庭时光。另外,“长尾巴”脚踏车也可以作为“支援车”,当我女儿骑得累时,她随时可以跳上“后座”, 我可以把她的脚踏车收纳在“长尾巴”脚踏车的侧袋里。一辆“长尾巴”脚踏车可以乘载大约180公斤的重量。常有人问,单凭一个人的力量同时载着一大一小,不会很辛苦吗? 其实不然,只要巧妙运用脚踏车的变速器就可以了,无需使用蛮力。真正棘手的问题是如何在路途中与多位乘客配合以保持平衡。我提点老婆,要把自己想象成一大袋沉甸甸的马铃薯由骑士驮着,沉稳就是秘诀。我女儿现在已经是“长尾巴”脚踏车的贵宾,她跳上跳下后座的姿态活脱像个身经百战的牛仔,英姿焕发。Dummy有点笨重,跑不快又不炫,可是我们一家大小都爱上它,期待繁忙规律生活中每一次小小的出走,幸福号出发咯!
Translated by my dear wife Jin Feng!
English Transcript....Dummy, my family limo 
The long tail bicycle story 
This was kick started by Ross Evans who went to South America after his degree at Stanford in the early 90s. Even in the most remote of regions and villages, he noted that people are using bicycles to transport goods. From this experience, he started a company by the name of Xtracycles and also built an attachment which can be retro-fitted into almost any bicycle. This allowed more load/ pillion space to be carried by an individual. It was called the FreeRadical. To popularize the long tail concept, he made the design “open source” which people, companies can follow and fabricate for free. http://www.xtracycle.com/  
Surly Dummy
Surly, a specialist but small bicycle company took up the idea and fabricated the world’s first purpose built long tail. Which is what I bought at TR bike, a Singapore based bicycle shop.  Actually it was quite a funny first “meeting”, I just popped by the shop to look see, not really thinking of buying. There was a bikeshop “lorryish” long bike there which Chris said it was ok to try riding…  And my daughter shouted.. “I also want to sit..”. We propped her at the back and gently went for a spin. I could her squeals of joy and laughter… and we came back smiling like an idiot. We were in love….and  looking at our face.. Wifey said ok..let’s buy it!  
Why did I get the Dummy?
I enjoy cycling alot and one of my biggest regret is that I can't bring my wife and girl along for the sunday rides. With the Surly Dummy, I can spend some nice family time with them, riding along the PCNs.  I live around Punggol and it is a very nice place to be riding. 
It also serves as a “support vehicle” for my girl, just in case when she cycles and becomes tired. She can simply hop on to the “rear seat”. The side panel pocket is able to hold her bicycle, my wife and her. Many asked me if it is very tough to ride. Actually it is not so due to the gearing. Simply reduce and use the "easy gear", spin rather then mash. The tricky part is the starting off and balancing the 2 other passengers. A trick I tell my wifey is to feel like "a sack of potatoes". My little girl is already used to Dummy and she can hop and get on the bike like a season cowboy.
Last Sunday, we did the Punggol Water water ride, slow and steady pace so that the kids can also have fun. Many came, laughed and enjoyed the wonderful place. Me and my family did too... with a Surly Dummy!
Feelings with the Surly Dummy
It is a fun family bicycle and we really enjoyed it lots. I can ride for fun and also do some grocery shopping easily with it.  While it is not the fastest nor the glam-est bike to be seen with. I think it is a great family bonding”” bike….  Which will create priceless memories for my family. That point alone is really something worth the bike value. Let’s go ride a bicycle…weeeee!!!


  1. U got a winner there TW! May I try it one day?

  2. Replies
    1. Esther, U are welcome to get Joeel to "tong Pang" u!

  3. Nice write up on the dummy bringing happiness to a family !
    can feel that u really love cycling !! :D
