
Monday, April 8, 2013

Calvin Boo's guide on cyclo-commuting in Singapore - Must read for those considering cyclocommute in SG

Once in a blue moon, we get a really informative entry by folks. This time, it is by Calvin Boo. He who cycles to work daily and a tireless cycling advocate in Singapore.  He shares how he does cyclo-commuting in a safe manner.  The PDF version is here for ur download. 
If you need more cyclo-commuting advice, you can email direct here
I am posting it here so it can reach more folks in singapore. Thanks very much for doing this, Calvin!


  1. very useful ... thanks for sharing! :)

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Excellent article. Love it. Could you add the list of gear you are using with links to where to get it to the end?

  4. Hi,
    Can I have your consent to upload this content on my blog page?
    It is super helpful in promoting safe cycling.

  5. Hi! Really great guide, thanks!

    But as a cycle commuter here in SG myself, I would like to point out it's missing a key bit of advice -- about the Park Connector Network (PCN) of off-road cycle routes.

    The PCN routes are the "cycle superhighway" backbone of Singapore -- if you're planning to cyclo-commute to work, trying to figure out a route based around them should be your starting point.

    Me personally, my ride to work is almost entirely on the PCN, and I have to tangle with almost no traffic at all -- how cool is that? :D
