Monday, January 9, 2017

LCSG Bike Handling and Servicing workshop 8th Jan 2017

On 8th Jan 2017 - Sunday,  we conducted LCSG Bike Handling and Servicing workshop at East Coast Park PCN (Road safety park) for about 60 fellow riders. Only possible because of the tireless efforts of Lovecyclingsg angels, led ably by George Lim (for Bike handling) and George Kee/Pierre Chew (for Bike Servicing). 

We were also very glad to have the venue provided for by Nparks and a nice breakfast from OCBC to start the session! It was also a good time to chit chat and catchup with fellow riders. 

Here's also the awesome photos taken by Uncle KC and Darrell Wee. 
Darren Photos
Uncle KC photos 
Taiwoon Photos
The workshopobjective was simple. Help make things safer by teaching folks to ride safe and look after their bikes. A better maintained bicycle, can work better, stop better. Learning to ride slowly and control your bike properly can help reduce the tension esp on the PCN , pavement and even the road.  

Encik George patiently ran thru the rational again on slowly down and created a series of circuits that made folks get a sensing how their bike felt when the speed was slow. The scenario was to simulate pavement with people and how we should react properly.

A cool exercise to cap it off was to get everyone riding together with out a route. Many things happening every direction and one "Iphone walker zombie"- acted by Francis roamed around. That was quite funny but effective. Riders after the session could control their bikes better in low speed situations. 

On the bike servicing side, Pierre, George Kee, Wei Shuan, Steve and afew more folks who trained under Bikeschool came to help.  Pierre presented a deck of useful information and how to easily check for pressure.As there was many experienced hands, it was very much a personal teaching of bike tuning and service. The bikes were given a close look, and the usual frayed cables ID -ed (have to change) and getting the folks to try their tool kits/spare tubes.  I think the new riders were very happy as its less stressful to have a experienced guy overlooking and helping them along. 

We ended around 11, hands abit dirty and sweaty but equipped more with useful, practical knowledge to ride safe and how to maintain the bikes in good order. Thank you all for coming and most importantly, Thank you fellow Lovecycling Leads and angels for taking your time and effort to make it a roaring success! 

Last request. If you have attended this, I would appreciate if u can PM or feedback to me how you felt, whats not good and how we can make it better. Thanks! 


  1. Attended the bike servicing session. The session is definitely useful for us to know how to do a quick check on our bikes. Thanks to all who helped patch and change my bike rear tyre tubing. I've tried tube changing before but certainly learnt more about it this time. The next thing I hoped to learn is tuning the derailuers.

    1. Thanks for ur feedback and will share with the team!

  2. Great effort guys! Looks like a really useful programme that can help address the real and imagined issues of riding in mixed pedestrian-cycling spaces.

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