Nick with his NWT at Taiwan |
Rolling down Mount Faber in Style |
Core member of "team Orange" |
Yan tao or not? |
* Tell me
about yourself (your day job and family)
Family -
Youngest in the family........... with 1 bro and 1 sis......... the spoilt and
pampered child....... who dun eat vege
Day Job -
running around Singapore to improve the condition of State Land and State
Property.........dealing with State Land maintenance, erosion, landslide etc
* How did
you started cycling
When I was
in Primary School, dad bought me my first BMX.....only ride at void deck of my
house.......but got stolen then stopped cycling till 2 years ago bought another
bike (Gary Fisher mountain bike)
* Why do you like cycling?
Cycling to
kill time and keep fit.....just another hobby...... not much of commuting
* When u met
LCSG - how was it like and how u meet us
Me joined
LCSG last year.......... I was visiting a backlane (for work purposes) at
Gemmill Lane and got to know Lifecycle.......so being 'kaypoh' walked into that
shop and kana 'poison' by Simon....... at that time I was still using my
mountain bike..........Simon gave me your blog....so I went in and that's how I
got to know LCSG
My first
ride was Sentosa ride with LCSG (near my house mah........can cycle to
Vivo)........ super tough ride due to the slopes........the first person I got
to know was Henry........I was sooooo blur during that ride and Henry
accompanied throughout the entire ride........I must say THANK YOU to
him.......it's sad that he is no longer with us lah........got to know Andrew Wan, Clarence....as we all using
Gary Fisher during that ride
Second ride
- Dragon kiln......me super on........cycle all the way to Lakeside MRT early
that morning.......then after that ride I envy those riders with
foldies......able to take mrt home unlike me got to ride back to Tanjong Pagar
and was raining some more..........sigh..........so decided to visit Simon
again.......it's time to get my own foldie!!!
Also feel
honoured to be feature as banner guy in Penang Foldie Night Ride..... hee hee
hee.......dunno why I was chosen........somehow kana spotted by the organiser
after the Penang ride.
* Your steel
horses- names and more details.
1st bike - BMX - kana
stolen...........long time ago
2nd bike -
Gary Fisher mountain bike.........given to my sister to make space for my
3rd bike -
Dahon X10........... that's when I like Orange and Black combo....
4th bike -
Bike Friday NWT......specially for touring use.......
* Your
favorite cycling kakis
A lot
leh........... I would say my neighbour - Derrick Tan...........very kind and helpful
chap........got to know that we actually staying at the same block during
Potong Pasir ride.......
* Your
favorite cycling route and LCSG ride
I would have
to say Taiwan Wuling!!!!!!!!!!!!! this was actually my third touring trip
(after Kukup and Penang)........super well organised thanks to you and Encik
and the rest............though I did not managed to complete to the peak......some more first one to board the
bus....but it's my biggest achievement so far........now looking forward for the
Dec trip........never in my life I have use so much effort to climb that
endless slopes.........(most of the time was pushing instead of riding....heee
heee heee)
* Your
feelings after and during organising LCSG rides
not been organising any rides....(paiseh paiseh).......... so far only help in
getting access cards to go up the roof garden of the Pinnacles during one of
the City ride organised by Steven Tang.......
* Tips to
share with fellow riders
Me a very 'loon joon' guy
(clumsy in hokkien) in riding.......but always keep a safe distance and always
be observant to the traffic condition..........
* Other
things to share.. Life motto etc
'Why make
your life so miserable......... just be happy'