16th April 2013 Tues, Day 4
TaiPingShan, CuiFeng Lake and
downhill to foot of TPS
The view on top of Tai Ping Shan... and I overslept...... |
Family photo to remember the moment |
I overslept. Haha.. By the time we woke up, it was already
0615. I quickly got out to see the sunrise. Or what was left of it. The air was
crisp and the fog disappeared. There was only George and Desmond out on the
viewing deck to watch the changing morning sun colors. I guess yesterday uphill
must have KO-ed all of us. Should be better today... I hope..
Beautiful colors |
Crisp air! |
Are you ready? Let's roll! |
Ready as I can ever be! Pierre the energizer bunny |
Breakfast followed and we prepared to roll. George gave another safety
briefing. Stay on a safe speed – less then 30km/hr and space out. Don't follow
too closely with each other. And of course, this is Taiwan, keep Right!
We cycled to Cui Feng Lake
which is along the plateau (less slopely) and the nice weather meant a sweat
free and cooling ride.
Tiger and Desmond warming up... hayyy shou hayyy shouu |
Gary lent me his Gopro to capture the downhill part... I hope it turns out good |
Marcus with his Raleigh Tourer |
For today I took my DSLR and
took many of the folks carving down the mountain…. Whheeeeeee… left and right, repeat 50 times… or
more… brake brake and left and right… this is scary but fun!
Desmond share the chocolate leh... |
Uncle Julian on a upslope! |
Whhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee -Lisa |
Ai Lim on her Pink TSR Moulton |
Desmond carving with his Dahon TR! |
Full concentration! |
Slowly does it.. |
Elisha with this BF NWT at one of the numerous hairpin turns... |
doping.. |
My trusty BF that got me up and down TPS! |
In no time, we reached the
Visitor centre (3/4 down the moutain) and as I lifted my camera, the metal buckle
attached to my DSLR snapped! Oh gosh, it is my lucky day. 30 second
earlier.. my camera would have
fell off…. Lesson learned. Check
and recheck your equipment. And recheck your equipment.
Someone was definitely watching out for me... |
all the animals come out to play! |
We reached the base of the
mountain in one piece, no accidents! Encik George was visibly relieved as he
sat on the floor and rested for a while.
Heng ah.. no need to medical evac... Thank you Encik for ur constant advice! |
yummy Bento! |
We had our lunch, packed the bikes
into the van.
Then it was a long 2 hour
drive along the coastal line (Su-Au highway to Hua Lien) to 南埔庭園民宿. Flatter terrain awaits.. haha!